"The study of being aware, the art of creating and divulging well-being"
""... the combination of medical knowledge, intuition and judgment defines the art of medicine, which is necessary for the practice of medicine as a solid scientific basis."
Harrison's Medical Book "Principles Of Internal Medicine"
"therefore medicine is art, and if it is art, it can not foresee for the one who is its first actor, simply to observe, judge and intervene only with dysfunction, but to go through the acceptance of man in his entirety and complexity, inserted in the nature in which he lives, in the air he breathes, in the mental processes that he performs on a daily basis: he must take him by the hand, being, not a single depository of science, but a simple propagator of millennial knowledge and experience in medical art, to start a process awareness of the state of health, an existing path but forgotten in the mind of us all. "
Dott. Luigi Brocchi