
  • I introduce myself (3)
  • Contacts (1)
  • Credits (1)
  • A new awareness of Beauty and Wellness (2)
  • Activities (1)
  • Angiology (6)

    Clinical evaluations, postural and podiatric examination, therapies, methods, diagnostic techniques aimed at the prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of venous, arterial and lymphatic vessels.

  • Aesthetic medicine (20)

    Medical branch that takes care of improving the quality of life of those who live uncomfortable due to an unaesthetic imperfection. It basically implements evaluation programs and techniques of prevention and treatment of general aging and of the skin in particular and then deals with the correction of imperfections of the face and body. The blemishes it deals with can be congenital or acquired as a result of environmental factors as time goes by and lifestyle. Wikipedia: It arises from the global, holistic intuition that man is healthy when he is in harmony with the different phases of life, with his social and environmental integration. Then adding to the Medicine, the noble art of Aesthetics, or the "science of Beauty, Liberal Arts and Inferior Gnoseology, sister of Logic" 1750 Aesthetica by Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten

Dott. LUIGI BROCCHI A E S T H E T I C S  &  C O S M E T I C S  M E D I C I N E  -  A N G I O L O G Y

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